Friday, March 7, 2014

DIY Built in Dog House



Everyone loves to spoil there pets!
From the first time we met Lily we fell in love. She is now one of the family and a best friend.
So we decided to create a place for her to call her own!

Most older houses are very poorly designed. Our house doesn't even have normal closets in the bedrooms. Let's just say we don't have a ton of extra space to keep a dog crate for our four legged friend. When we first moved in we started using this closet (see pics below) as our place to put our garbage can, broom, mop, etc. The closet only had a 1 ft door. Not the easiest place to get in to and it was such a hassle to open up the door every time we needed to throw something away. 

So we decided to use the space under the stairs to create a built in dog house.

Here is the inspiration for this project.
(luckily our house already had the closet under the stairs)

The project took us about a week to complete. Both Sam and I have never done a construction project like this before so it was a trial and error process as to how to make everything work out.  We also built a wine rack for the opening in the kitchen! Much better than the boring door.


Before the demolition

The beautiful door I got from Hobby Lobby on clearance for $20. It's actually a wall art but we put hinges on it and a lock so we could use it as a door.

The inside of our walls. Yes that is chicken wire and what we think is concrete... Not the easiest thing to cut through.

We made a ceiling for the dog house using plywood and got a cheap recessed light from Menards for about $6.

Sam loved being sparky for the day and hooking up the electrical! We wired it to a dimmer switch so we can adjust the lighting.

Sam started on the wine rack while I did some painting.

Looking good so far. Never thought putting a cabinet into an existing opening would be so difficult. Nothing in our house is level or straight!

Door painted white to match the trim.

We had a hard time trying to decide what to put in the opening on the bottom of the cabinet. I saw an idea on Pinterest again that used a radiator cover. So I looked online to see what store carried it. Home depot had 3'x3' aluminum sheet for $32. We only used half on this project.

Now we can still see Lily and she can see us when we are in the kitchen.

Door installed. I am so happy with the way it looks.

Wine rack almost done. Sam is going to put T-molding on the top to hold wine glasses!

Took a lot of work but the end result looks pretty great.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Putting Holes in the Wall!!

Hello Everyone!
I am sick and home early from work for the second time this week! Can't get rid of this cold. So I attempted a couple projects today that  I don't think turned out very well but see for yourself!.....
So I think this project was a little unsuccessful but it still looks alright. I bought the frames on Black Friday last year for like $12. The photos are from Sam's trip to Panama 2 years ago. I haven't wanted to hang theses up for about a year now. The hardest part was the S & S in the middle!! I hate these stupid letters! I can never get them to hang straight or in line with each other so yes they are very crooked!
I first laid out how I wanted to look on top of wax paper. Traced around them and where the nail would go. Taped the wax paper to the wall and put holes in the wall!(My favorite thing to do!) I liked how it looked better on the floor than on the wall but oh well.
Another Pinterest idea fail is this wine bottle I tried to color the glass to make it look cool. Nope! I can not for the life of me to get this to turn out right! Your supposed to be able to use Elmer's glue and food coloring to get it to be colored. I have attempted to do it multiple times, multiple ways. Still doesn't turn out as nice as I want it to. I wanted to do it cause the wine is Crane Lake which is the name of the lake my grandparents cottage is on. But I can't get it to look good so I think I will still keep the bottle.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recycled TShirt bag Tutorial

So I saw this posted on Pinterest and knew right away I want to try it myself! I have a couple Tshirts that have some sentimental value that I don't want to get rid of but never wear. So I thought this project would be perfect for them. This is a Tshirt from high school when my brother was on the football team in 2003! (Sorry I'm aging you Shane) I'm doing about 3 tonight! I use bags like this everyday to bring lunch to work, so I know I will use them often. They are great for groceries too!
Okay here is how I made my Recycled Tshirt bag!
What you need:
- Old Tshirt
- Scissors
- Safety pin
That's it! No sewing involved!!
First, cut the sleeves off. Try and make it as straight as you can. I cut in a little ways from the seam.
Next, I cut strips off of the sleeves. One time around the sleeve is long enough. Stretch them out so they curl a little. Cut as many strips as holes that your gonna have on the bottom. (I will explain that more in a little bit) I actually cut 3. 
Now, cut the neck off of the Tshirt. You can do it any shape. Just make sure it's big enough to fit items through it.
Then, cut as many slits in the hem as you want holes on the bottom. (the more holes the less of a gap there will be on the bottom) I chose to do 3 but you can do 1 or 2. Cut the slits kind of spaced out. Sorry if you can't really see where they are but I tried my best.
Next, take a safety pin and put it through one of the strings. Now start feeding it through one of the slits til you reach another slit. (like shown below)
Then, tighten the strings and tie it tight. I did a couple knots to make sure it stays together.
Do this for however many slits you made in the hem. (below is after the 2nd one)

This is what it will look like when you have it all strung together. I tied the strings together to add a little more support.
Then, I took the strings and brought them through the holes and tied them into a bow on the inside so they wouldn't be hanging on the bottom.
Finally, this is the finished product!! Love it can't wait to show it off to everyone. Thinking about going to Goodwill or St. Vinnies and trying to find some fun Tshirts to make into these bags and use them to put Christmas presents in or wrap presents with them.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Many more to come!