Thursday, November 1, 2012

Putting Holes in the Wall!!

Hello Everyone!
I am sick and home early from work for the second time this week! Can't get rid of this cold. So I attempted a couple projects today that  I don't think turned out very well but see for yourself!.....
So I think this project was a little unsuccessful but it still looks alright. I bought the frames on Black Friday last year for like $12. The photos are from Sam's trip to Panama 2 years ago. I haven't wanted to hang theses up for about a year now. The hardest part was the S & S in the middle!! I hate these stupid letters! I can never get them to hang straight or in line with each other so yes they are very crooked!
I first laid out how I wanted to look on top of wax paper. Traced around them and where the nail would go. Taped the wax paper to the wall and put holes in the wall!(My favorite thing to do!) I liked how it looked better on the floor than on the wall but oh well.
Another Pinterest idea fail is this wine bottle I tried to color the glass to make it look cool. Nope! I can not for the life of me to get this to turn out right! Your supposed to be able to use Elmer's glue and food coloring to get it to be colored. I have attempted to do it multiple times, multiple ways. Still doesn't turn out as nice as I want it to. I wanted to do it cause the wine is Crane Lake which is the name of the lake my grandparents cottage is on. But I can't get it to look good so I think I will still keep the bottle.