Friday, October 19, 2012

First Post!

Well I guess this makes me a blogger now. 
Bear with me as I try and figure out all the features.
I want to use this blog to post things I think are Fun, Frugal or Free!

You will see a lot of post from Pinterest (my addiction) and other blogs.

A blog that actually inspired me to start my own blog is The Fun Cheap or Free Queen. ( Go check her out!
Yes I made my blog name just like that one.

She has become my role model. She has inspired me the most to be more financially aware. She has taught me to be more frugal with my money so I can save money to do fun things or save up for big investments. 

She has great tips on just about everything!

Here is a system she uses to budget her money weekly. I started using this system and love it. I think it works so well because you know how much money your spending each week and your limiting yourself on how much you should spend.

 Check it out and leave me a comment of what you think and if you already use a system like this how has it helped you? 

Hope you enjoy my first blog post!
Make it a great day!

Shannon Doell

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